
Achieve more with uAchieve.

Discover tips and get support for uAchieve—the flexible degree audit and student planning system fully hosted in the cloud.

uAchieve Degree Audit

Learn how to run, manage, customize, and view the degree audit

uAchieve Self-Service

Student Search, Security, and Admin configurations

uAchieve Planner

Generate robust plans from degree requirements with best-in-class planning functionality

uAchieve Schedule Builder

Allow students to build a schedule for upcoming & future terms

Explore uAchieve help docs

Need support for a past version? Explore further documentation.

The Issue Tracker collects and tracks support issues, bug solutions, and enhancement requests into a single searchable database.

uAchieve certification

Advance your skills with this professional development opportunity.

CollegeSource offers a program for our encoder community for two types of certification:

  • uAchieve Degree Audit Encoder Certification
  • uAchieve Transfer Articulation Encoder Certification

Certified encoders will receive a digital signed certificate and digital badge, with certification lasting five years.

To become certified:

  • Training: Encoder must have completed the appropriate uAchieve training course(s); Both uAchieve Basic and Intermediate encoding training for the Degree Audit Encoder Certification, or uAchieve Transfer Articulation encoding training for the Transfer Articulation Encoder Certification.*
  • Experience: Encoder must have been actively encoding for at least two years. 

* Individuals who have never attended CollegeSource training but have been encoding for more than ten years may provide evidence of such encoding work history with two references and evidence of community service in place of the training requirement. Click below for details on community-based services that satisfy the requirement.


Group discounts available for 3 or more!

uAchieve training courses

Take your encoding to the next level with these learning opportunities.

uAchieve Encoding Workshops are our in-depth multi-day training programs that take place throughout the year at our training facility in Cincinnati, OH. We also offer our instructor-led workshops in a virtual format so that you can participate comfortably from your home or office. Pricing for either format is $1199 per person, with discounts available for groups of 3 or more.

Additionally, each summer, there is an opportunity to participate in uAchieve pre-conference training at the CollegeSource Annual Conference in San Diego, CA. Join us this summer to attend the NEW uAchieve Degree Audit Encoding Primer or Advanced String Table Rules session. Learn more and register for pre-conference training.

The uAchieve Encoding Advanced Topics Workshop Series is our newly offered virtual series on advanced degree audit encoding topics and techniques throughout the year.

Topics include:

  • Advanced String Table Rules
  • Calculating Required Electives Using Reference Values
  • Course Grouping Sub-requirements
  • Encoding Credit Restrictions and Limits
  • System Condition Codes and Conditional Requirements

Want a customized program? The Individualized uAchieve Workshop is an option that can be scheduled at your convenience and is tailored to your institution’s needs. We also offer one-on-one assistance through the Encoding Mentorship Program (see below).

uAchieve mentorship

Get an encoding mentor with our half- and full-year programs.

The Encoding Mentorship Program was created to help staff at institutions understand the reasoning behind and learn to maintain inherited encoding. The program is not designed to replace training but to aid in understanding the existing encoding. Those participating in the mentorship program must have completed uAchieve Basic Encoding training.

CollegeSource will assign a dedicated Functional Implementation Specialist to work with your staff member remotely throughout the length of the program (6 or 12 months) in providing the following:

  • Monthly hour-long virtual meetings to discuss encoding, the types of issues/challenges you are currently facing, and to set priorities on what guidance may be needed for the rest of the month.
  • Up to 4 hours of additional assistance/working session(s) throughout the month, as requested.
  • Direct support through your dedicated Functional Implementation Specialist, eliminating the need to submit help tickets or rely solely on support documentation.

Below are some examples of the assistance CollegeSource can provide in the mentorship program:

  • Review existing encoding strategies and collaborate to provide guidance for optimizing your encoding based on best practices.
  • Help troubleshoot complex curriculum challenges and navigate unique institution’s policies.

Pricing is $6,500 per person for a 6-month mentorship, or $12,750 for 12 months.

Supplement your workshop training.

Best practices and user guides

We offer some of our workshop materials to use as a reference as well as to keep up with new and improved functionality. Now available are abridged PDF versions of the materials you would receive if you attended one of our workshops.

Content includes:

  • Written objectives, concepts, and processes
  • Commonly used field settings
  • Best practice recommendations

Note: You must have a user account for access. The materials do not replace intensive onsite or online workshop training, and we encourage you to join us for such.

Pop-up chats

Join our live chats to discuss best practices with the user community.


Recent pop-up chat

“Sending uAchieve Data to Update Banner for Federal Financial Aid Eligibility”

We encourage you to watch the recording of the recent discussion focused on the topic of sending uAchieve data to update Banner for the purpose of federal financial aid eligibility. This chat featured two of our Client Advisory Board members, Wil Perkins, Associate Registrar at Harding University in Arkansas, and Drew Lurker, Director of Student Records at Ivy Tech Community College in Indiana.

Read the recap including key takeaways.

Coming up next

Check back soon for information on our next Pop-Up Chat.

Sign up for a free webinar today.

Get an introductory look.

Webinars cover a range of topics from basic demonstrations, specific feature overviews, and new release tours. If you have an hour, these webinars provide great insight on how to use our products with Q&A at the end.

Recurring uAchieve webinar

uAchieve: Degree Audit, Academic Planning, and Schedule Building Solution (Introducing the New 5.0 Planner!)

In this introductory webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Use uAchieve to auto-create plans for students directly from degree audit requirements
  • Create, schedule, and share batch audit data for analysis purposes
  • Use student plan data for course demand analysis
  • Provide students and advisors with real-time, web-based access to the information they need, when they need it
  • Handle exceptions, multiple majors/minors, transfer articulation, reports, and more

You will empower your students to:

  • Create a personalized, term-by-term path to graduation
  • Track progress toward degree completion
  • Build an individualized class schedule